How to Install CpCleaner in cPanel through SSH?
Run the following shell commands as root via SSH:
wget -O cpc-1.0.3.tar ""
tar -xf cpc-1.0.3.tar
cd cpc-1.0.3
sh cpc-installer -install
cd ..
rm -Rfv cpc-1.0.3/ cpc-1.0.3.tar
Run the update by the following shell commands as root:
Automatic Updates
To enable automatic updates, copy the "update" file to one of the cron folders e.g:
cp /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/CpCleaner/conf/update /etc/cron.monthly/
Search Config
To change the list of files to be scanned edit file: "/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/CpCleaner/conf/filestoscan".
Run the following shell commands as root via SSH:
wget -O cpc-1.0.3.tar ""
tar -xf cpc-1.0.3.tar
cd cpc-1.0.3
sh cpc-installer -uninstall
cd ..
rm -Rfv cpc-1.0.3/ cpc-1.0.3.tar